The pictured CP566 IRS W-7 notice demonstrates both (i) the difference between CP566 where IRS requests info and CP567 (also pictured) where IRS rejects an ITIN application and (ii) just how particular IRS is on every W-7 item being perfect - this applicant W-7 was sent in signed, but not bold enough throughout all letters to IRS liking.

This applicant’s W-7 signature (I show only his generic common first name to preserve confidentiality) must not have been bold enough throughout all the letters. We advised he make sure this time to sign boldly throughout all the letters without any ink gaps and to sign back in blue ink (or colored ink but not black since black ink can be confused with a photocopy). In said regard, compare applicant and CAA signatures from applicant's W-7 form. This is the first time in 23 years I’ve ever encountered this IRS response.
